Posts tagged Mask

NYSC Orientation Camp Day Seventeen : Carnival

Although there are no drills today, the ladies unanimously decide not to sleep in. ?‍♀️ This is because there’s this ten-point agenda to smother their faces with ten layers of makeup, Some which blend and others which will disintegrate.

As you already know, I’m not the ordinary lady, so I sleep in. I silence the light-sleeper in me and force my dreams to continue despite all the noise they are making. As you can tell, that didn’t go well, because all the noise and heat persisted. So I just change my mind and opt to watching other people fussing over their faces.

Watching other ladies make up is interesting. Really. It’s a rich sight to behold. There are some who just effortlessly layer up and look so glam, it makes me wonder what magic they are made of. And there are some who probably are just color blind. They keep painting and painting and nothing ever really blends; it makes me wonder what their perception of the image reflected back to them in the mirror is.


Then there’s another category of interesting people to watch, it’s those who go around admiring and giving ginger to those with poor makeup. Those who for the sake of being nice compliment what isn’t really all that. ??

See, don’t get me wrong. Compliments are good. And I like them. But, there’s no need to call black white just to make someone feel better about themselves.

Eventually, I get tired of looking and get up take my bath and prepare to get dressed. In no time, I’m also smothering my face with makeup and I even have the nerve to attempt eye-shadow on myself.


The bloody nerve.

Excelsior ??

PS: I’ve not worn any form of makeup since getting to camp, not even lipgloss. ?? So maybe that accounts for my willingness to go all out today.

I dress up and head to the Camp clinic to retrieve my customized Tee-shirt. I will also be wearing a silver mask. The mask was gifted to me last minute by my dear Tolu

(Babes, I’m already losing count of all the things you’ve done that I’m thankful for ?)

And then without further ado, I proceed to taking pictures. This post will likely be more of a pictures post because I’m not sure I have all the words to capture today’s events.

In the pictures, I’m spinning and I’m jumping and I’m generally feeling light. It’s a good feeling to be honest.


We are asked to line up and enter into the carnival ground as a platoon. Each platoon has something like a parade to do. Some representatives wear a costume to depict one of the many tribes in Nigeria and the rest of the platoon dances in behind them as they make this entry. I’m not sure if this is a competitive thing. But it feels fun. The atmosphere is genuinely light.

My platoon is dressed to represent the Yoruba tribe but some platoons go all out, some representing the Igbos and others representing the Hausas. Infact one platoon entered the parade ground on a horse, talk about seriousness yeah?

Anyway, the atmosphere is light enough and I start to clown away. I’m dancing to all the beats being played. Not really dancing per se, more like exercising my waist and I am getting hailed for it.

Between you and I, I’m not making any serious money-moves with the dance, but whatever little effort I am making is probably being magnified by the glory of God behind me ?.

After staying a while on the parade ground, we are officially excused to return to the clinic to go attend to patients but what we do instead is as follows:… ??