Posts tagged Drones

NYSC Orientation Camp Day Seven ; The Odds In My Favor

I can’t believe I made it this far. One week!! ?One whole week!
I’ve felt like quitting everyday since I got here. And now I’ve spent a week!
Sweet Jesus ! The odds must be in my favor. There’s a truck load of wriggling creatures eating my gastric mucosa from the inside out. What’s worse is that they choose to attack me at 2 am because I wake up feeling dreadful and all but run to the toilet. I feel like my gut is tightly twisted like the rope we used for the Tug-Of-War.

I empty the truck load and instantly I’m like 70 kilograms lighter. ?‍♀️ The walk back to my room is fraught with malaise as I feel like I mistakenly emptied all the glucose in my body along with the other things I left behind. I go to my bed and just collapse into it. I know I have loperamide in my bag but I can’t bring myself to retrieve it. I say a short prayer and go back to sleep.


I wake up at 4 am determined to have a good day.

I will not be lazy today.

I will not get upset no matter what.

I will not quit today.

Infact the clinic heads will not trigger me. Amen. ?

I head to the parade ground, fully dressed. Dressed with my determination to live out my confession only to have it crumble as my stomach starts to rumble again. This time, I get the feeling that it’s about to rain scorpions. ??‍♀️I extract myself from the parade ground and head to the clinic toilet. Somehow my self control holds things in until I get to the door. It’s at this point that I feel this urge intensify a million times. ? I’m truly scared that I’ll soil myself. I try to open the padlock but my hands are fumbling. ??‍♀️ Out of habit I check my surroundings and realize I have to fetch a bucketful of water before I can get about to doing my business. My posterior crevice just keeps growling at me. I have the mind to lecture my anatomy on how patience is such a virtue but decide that now is not the time for that.

After fetching my water, history runs its course. But this one is good history, because for some strange reason, I feel energized afterwards. I walk into the clinic to return the key and the CMD is there to greet me with a warm smile. I don’t return his hug until I sanitize my hands. Please be like me. ? Soap and water is not enough. Get an alcohol rub… ?? You know, Just in case ?‍♀️

I return with vigor to the field where I participate in all the early morning drills. The power of determination is really amazing.

S A E D !!!

Today is Wednesday. This translates to SAED training. SAED is an acronym for skills acquisition and entrepreneurship development or something very close to that. There are many factions to choose from namely smoothie making, fashion designing, wig making, beads making, language lessons, sandals making and a host of others. The attendance is compulsory. The faction I choose is drone assembly and flying. ? I feel divergent for choosing this. I choose this because I love to be different, I want something new and I’ve already mastered everything in the food, beads and tailoring section while at secondary school.

Drones: The Odds In My FavorThe class starts boring and I almost regret  going. The instructor starts by fraternizing with the two people in the class who happen to have their personal drones and he gets carried away discussing different drone models with them. This leaves the rest of the class looking lost like the novices that we are. It’s kind of like conversing about the difference between a sedan and a CRV in front of a 6 day old neonate. ?

I’m not too lost though because I’ve done some miniature research on the subject of drones before now, but still, I’m grossly uninterested in their bants as I want the real meat; Like teach me how to assemble it or dismantle the component parts.

I don’t get the real meat, however. What I get instead is popcorn but the instructor apologizes for that and promises to bring a proper drone tomorrow. One we can actually fiddle with. My fingers are crossed, I guess we will see.