
I wake up late as per Monday morning inertia and already know I would be crawling out of the hostel as punishment.?? I wake at 4:15am and my body is very oily and sticky. It was a hot sweaty night. I can’t delay bathing until 7 am so I drag myself to the bathroom and queue to bath. It’s bad enough that I’m late, it’s worse that I’d have to share the bathroom with someone, which is something I’ve avoided doing since the time I got molested there, it’s then especially worse that the lady I’m to bath after whose body surface area is half mine, decides to bath 3 times. ??

I bloody counted. Why so selfish mate!!! ?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️



Three times.?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️

My thoughts are as expected because I’m wondering what the hell she is washing. ?

Even Jesus washed our sins away just once so what the Heck.

I thought I was the only one counting until someone shouts that she should hurry up and get out of there.?

I feel glad, because she took the words right out of my mind.

The girl further demonstrates her selfishness by fetching a full bucket of water after completing the last bath. In my opinion, it’s not necessary because there’s always water running at the bathrooms here. ?‍♀️ She also makes a show of slowly walking out of the bathroom naked. ?

Please ??

Is there something obvious I am missing here?

After donkey years, she comes out and I get in and do my business. When I get back to my room I can hear the instructor downstairs telling the hostel supervisors to lock the gate. ?‍♀️ Obviously once that happens, we’ll end up crawling. I dress up at my own pace because, I’m not interested in rushing to that fate and also, I don’t want to risk sweating on a freshly bathed body and starting the struggle from scratch.

When I get downstairs, I get set to flash my on duty card but it’s not necessary as the instructor is still shouting lock the door, lock the door, to no one in particular. I walk out triumphantly because I know God loves me ??? and head to the clinic. My platoon is on duty today and given the group chat drama from last night, I have decided to ditch the early morning parade since it’s obvious I’d be required to do sanitation just like the last time. It’s not that I have trouble mopping floors. ?

What I have trouble with is the fact that I’m not ready to sweep, or wash toilets, or scrub gutters because those are the options I’d likely get since people will hustle up the choic chores!

At the clinic, I catch up on my beauty sleep for an hour, there’s AC in the wards so it’s bliss and then I wake up and finish the novel I started reading yesterday.

The sad part of being a fast reader is that the story ends and the fun is over really quick. So I’m bored again. I decide to socialize…..?? with my fellow doctors this time around because I don’t want no beating up ??.

Okay, Okay. I’m being savage I know. ?It’s just what it is. ?‍♀️

That socializing is basically Aminat and I teaming up to tease the CMD endlessly. ??

There’s a lot to tease him for given that the pronunciation of his surname is highly suspicious. It’s not a name you can rightly pronounce without getting ideas. What those ideas are will entirely be up to you as I’ll say no more on the matter. ???

In the clinic, the camp officials that harassed me pass by and make great effort of heartily greeting me. ??With all the big smiles and familiarity, you’d think we were lifelong friends and that they were reasonable people.

(Visited 210 times, 1 visits today)


  1. Ruby Agwu September 13, 2020 at 12:36 pm

    ?????? I feel like I missed a particular day and I have to go back and refresh?

    1. Abiola Adebayo - Site Author September 13, 2020 at 1:19 pm

      Please feel free to refresh and binge

      1. Mordi September 13, 2020 at 5:31 pm

        A Saturday binge on BOAL?…yesterday was pure bliss
        Plus I think I know the CMD’s name???

        1. Abiola Adebayo - Site Author September 14, 2020 at 1:48 am

          I love binging.
          And when it’s my Blog you are binging on, then I’m doubly obsessed.
          Thank you for reading Mordi. ??

          If you know the name and you are really sure of yourself, then email me. ?
          Maybe I’ll be tempted to do a private giveaway ??

      2. Sandra September 15, 2020 at 9:42 pm

        It is a compelling read

        1. Abiola Adebayo - Site Author September 17, 2020 at 6:52 am

          Thank you Sandra ??

  2. Morenike Ibidunmoye September 13, 2020 at 1:56 pm

    Dr Abiola , You are doing well by documenting and sharing your Camp experience with us.May God see you through the entire service year.

    1. Abiola Adebayo - Site Author September 14, 2020 at 1:44 am

      Awwwn Sis Ibidunmoye ??
      Thank you
      Amen ?

  3. Gift September 13, 2020 at 7:11 pm

    Hey God!! So this “lock the hostel” thing doesn’t end in Iwo??? There’s that in camp? ??, plus this “on duty” card is maaaddd cruise?

    1. Abiola Adebayo - Site Author September 14, 2020 at 1:46 am

      As in ehn.
      I kept asking myself when will I actually outgrow all this secondary school grade treatment in this Nigeria.
      Mehn; makes no sense to me.
      And yes, the card na serious cruise.

      Ps: I’ve been lowkey waiting for your comment. You didn’t disappoint ???

  4. Olamide September 14, 2020 at 4:42 am

    This*lock the hostel* thing can be so annoying!! ? Can’t forget my first experience @Yikpata camp!! Job Weldon darling ??

    1. Abiola Adebayo - Site Author September 17, 2020 at 6:53 am

      I know right ??.
      It’s like they forget we are adults.
      I mean, some people are legit married with kids amongs Corps… so why such habits right???
      Thank you Olamide ??


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